Definition of Hypnosis

Definition of Hypnosis
Hypnosis is a branch of psychology that studies the influence of suggestion on the human mind.

Hypnosis itself is believed to have existed before the prehistoric period because hypnosis was investigated by trance phenomena that occur in humans. In ancient times, hypnosis was often associated with mysticism because the trance phenomenon can make people do things that are not like other normal people.

Along with the times, hypnosis began to be studied and known as part of the science of psychology.

The term Hypnotism was first coined by James Braid who was a doctor and surgeon from Scotland. Hypnotism stands for the word neuro-hypnotism which means sleep nerves, the word hypnosis itself is the name of the god of sleep and Greek dreams.

James Braid discovered trance phenomena such as catalepsy, anesthesia, amnesia can be induced without sleep, from which he realized that the word hypnotism was not right, then he tried turning it into "monoideism" which means concentration/focus on one idea. But it's too late because the word hypnosis has become popular.

James Braid was later known by many as the first and foremost Hypnotherapist of Modern Hypnotism. In 1892 the British Medical Association began authorizing the use of hypnosis for therapy.

On April 23, 1955, the British Medical Association (BMA) approved the use of hypnosis in psychoneurosis and hypnoanesthsia in the pain management of labor and surgery. The BMA also recommends that all doctors and medical students receive Fundamental Hypnotherapy training.

But now, the definition of hypnosis expressed by each character is still different. Everyone agrees that there is something called hypnosis, but different opinions about what hypnosis is. Some definitions of hypnosis that have been revealed include:

  • Hypnosis is a condition that resembles sleep which can be intentionally done to someone, where someone who is hypnotized can answer the question asked, and accept suggestions without resistance.
  • Hypnosis is a technique or practice in influencing others to enter hypnotic trance conditions.
  • Hypnosis is a condition in which attention becomes very centered so that the level of suggestibility (the ability to accept suggestions) increases very high.
  • Hypnosis is the art of communication to influence someone to change the level of consciousness, which is achieved by reducing brain waves from Beta to Alpha and Theta.

Does hypnosis use supernatural powers?
NOT. hypnosis is scientific knowledge even though it looks mysterious to people who don't know it yet. A hypnotist does not use supernatural, magical, mystical or supernatural powers. hypnosis uses suggestions or the influence of words conveyed by certain techniques. The only power in hypnosis is communication.

What does it feel like to be in a hypnotic state?
Many people who do not know hypnosis, assume that the condition of hypnosis is the same as sleeping or fainting. Actually, the hypnotic condition is a state of mental relaxation that is usually accompanied by relaxation of the body such as when you relax your body to sleep at night. When you are hypnotized, you will feel your whole body relax, mind focused, feeling peaceful, and you can still hear the sounds around you.

Is hypnosis the same as mastering other people's thoughts?
NOT. Suppose I hypnotize you. Even if you are in a hypnotic state, it does not mean that you will carry out all my orders. The subconscious mind protects you from suggestions that are harmful and violates your beliefs.

For example, I ordered you to Bare or Kill your friend, then you would refuse, even you immediately woke up from hypnosis. If I hypnotize you, it does not mean that I control your mind. It is true that suggestions will have a very strong influence on your mind, but only suggestions that do not harm and do not violate your beliefs.

Can hypnosis be used for a crime?
NOT. The results of research by hypnosis experts state that hypnosis cannot be used for crime. Crime actions that are often reported as "hypnotic crimes" actually do not use hypnosis.

Mass media and society call it hypnosis because they don't know the real hypnosis. According to observations of the acts of crime reported as "hypnotic crimes" there is nothing but fraud or deprivation that uses sleeping pills/drugs.

What are the conditions for people who can be hypnotized?
Many people assume that people who can be hypnotized are people who are stupid or weak in their minds. This is a wrong assumption. In fact, someone can only be hypnotized if the person is smart enough, able to concentrate and can imagine.

Hypnosis cannot be applied to crazy people, idiots, deaf people, or small children who cannot communicate in two directions. The smarter a person is, the more easily hypnotized. So, don't be happy if you feel you can't be hypnotized.

Can hypnosis be used to force others?
Hypnosis cannot occur because of coercion. A person can only be hypnotized if he wants to follow the hypnotist's instructions. Hypnosis is a persuasion technique or art of communication to persuade someone to do what we say.

If you pay attention to hypnotic shows on TV, someone who will be hypnotized is someone who is willing to be hypnotized and willing to appear on television shows.

Is there a special degree for hypnosis practitioners?
Someone who is an expert in hypnosis is called a "hypnotist", while people who are able to do healing therapy with hypnosis are called "hypnotherapists". Someone who can hypnotize is not necessarily able to do hypnosis therapy properly and safely.

Because hypnotic therapy or hypnotherapy is not just giving orders like in hypnotic shows. A hypnotherapist must understand the human mind, the basics of psychology, and deep knowledge of the problems he handles.

What are the benefits of hypnosis?
Hypnosis is the science of "programming the subconscious mind". The benefits of hypnosis are very, very numerous. To the extent that I cannot limit what can or cannot be helped by hypnosis. Hypnosis can play a role in all problems related to thoughts and feelings.

Hypnosis can be used for entertainment, changing behavior, eliminating bad habits, successful motivation, increasing self-confidence, controlling feelings, healing illnesses, overcoming pain, maximizing brainpower, and much more.

What are the side effects of being hypnotized?
Hypnosis is very safe if done by someone who is competent in this field. There are absolutely no adverse side effects if the hypnosis is well trained.

Maybe you are afraid you can't wake up from hypnosis or fear to lose your memory after waking up from a hypnotic state. But in fact, there has never been anyone who could not wake up from hypnosis or become forgetful because of hypnosis.

Conversely, hypnosis has a positive side effect, namely the increased concentration of hypnotized people.

Is Hypnosis evil?
Hypnosis is a tool or method, like a knife that can be used as a tool for chopping fruit or for killing, like physics, all evil or good lies in the culprit. Hypnosis is like a double-edged knife

Is there a requirement for everyone to learn hypnosis?
Hypnosis is the art of communication and suggestion and does not contain mystical or magic elements at all, so that anyone, without conditions, provided they can communicate well and have confidence, has the potential to become an expert in the field of hypnotism.

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